Foreign Students in Hungary: this is how the Government Office can help

2023.08.09. 12:36 | Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Kormányhivatal

When foreign students arrive in Hungary, they probably have lots of questions about managing their official matters. The Government Office provides various services to ensure your stay in Hungary.

When you arrive as a citizen of a third country, or if you plan to stay here for more than 90 days as an EU citizen, you must first contact the Immigration Service (The National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing).

After that, the Government Office will help you with your personal and address data registration. In case you wish to change the address or place of residence on your address card, please contact our Government Office. In order to do this, bring your residence permit issued by the Immigration Service, your passport, your address card and adress registration form signed by the accomodation provider.

Although this is not the only procedure you can contact our office.

Hungary is very popular among foreign students. In this context, to get a student card, you have to apply for a „NEK” dataform at the Government Office. It’s important to bring your student status certificate and your foreign documents.

In addition to in-person administration, you can also register on the website, to gain access to a personal client portal, which gives you the possibility to use electronic administration. In order to speed up the administration, you can also book an appointment on the same website.

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